Setting the GPS Location Frequency:
To customize the frequency at which your Weenect tracker sends its location, start by opening the Weenect app on your device. Click on the status bar at the top of your screen, which will open a page dedicated to your tracker's information. At the bottom of this page, you’ll find a section where you can choose the desired interval to receive GPS position updates from your tracker.
Choosing the GPS Interval
The update intervals available in the Weenect app vary to meet different needs. You can choose from the following frequencies: 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, and 10 minutes. The shorter the interval, the more frequent and responsive the update. However, it is important to note that a higher frequency can lead to faster battery consumption of your tracker.
Battery Management and Location on Demand
To save your tracker's battery, it is possible to temporarily disable the automatic GPS position updates. In this case, locating your tracker is still possible, but it is done only on demand. You can manually refresh the position of your tracker by clicking on the "Refresh" button in the Weenect app.
Adjusting the GPS update frequency of your Weenect tracker allows you to find the perfect balance between location responsiveness and battery saving. Depending on your needs and the use of the tracker, feel free to experiment with different intervals to find the setting that suits you best.
💡Did you know?
It is important to remember that the frequency of GPS updates directly affects the battery life of your tracker. A higher frequency will provide more accurate and real-time location data but will also reduce the battery life between charges. Adapt the settings according to the daily use of your tracker to optimize both location accuracy and battery longevity.