Does the Weenect Tracker Work in My Country?

Extensive International Coverage

Weenect GPS trackers are designed to ensure reliable and extensive connectivity, no matter where you are. With their multi-operator technology, these trackers automatically adapt to the local telephone network, providing global coverage in a multitude of countries at no additional cost.


Access to the Complete List of Covered Countries

To provide you with full transparency and help you plan your travels worry-free, we offer a detailed list of countries where our trackers operate efficiently. This list, including specific network coverage details for each country, is available via the following link: [List of Network Coverage Countries]. We encourage you to consult this list to verify the compatibility of our trackers with your destination.


Advanced Compatibility with NB-IoT and LTEM Networks

Our Weenect XS trackers are specifically designed to be compatible with NB-IoT and LTEM networks, thereby offering enhanced service quality. This advanced compatibility ensures a better connection and more accurate localization, even in areas where traditional networks are less effective.



Whether you're traveling internationally or using your Weenect tracker locally, our technology offers unparalleled peace of mind. With extensive coverage and advanced network compatibility, Weenect trackers are your reliable allies in tracking and ensuring the safety of your loved ones and pets.


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